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19 Oct 2017

Raila's Sister Goes Missing After Police Arrest.

Tension has gripped Kisumu Town after two prominent leaders were reported missing, minutes after being arrested by police officers.

One of the missing persons is the sister to NASA leader Raila Odinga, and a former Deputy Governor in the area Ruth Odinga.

Ruth was allegedly arrested together with Kisumu Senator Fred Outa.

The two leaders had on Wednesday led a rowdy mob that disrupted an IEBC training exercise in the lake side town. A man who had accompanied them, reportedly a bodyguard to a local politician, was caught on camera slapping a female IEBC staff during the ensuing commotion.

Soon after the incident, Kisumu County Chief of Staff Patrick Outa confirmed that the duo had been arrested and “taken to an unknown police station.”

The Daily Nation quoted an aide to Ruth who confirmed that her boss had been put in police custody.
“I have moved to different police stations but not found her anywhere,” the aide stated.

Nyanza Regional Coordinator Wilson Njega, condemned the attack on IEBC staff, adding that police would arrest leaders behind the assaults.

However, Nyanza Police boss Nyanza regional police boss Leonard Katana denied that the senator and the former Deputy Governor were in police custody.

“We are yet to make any arrests on the leaders,” Mr Katana was quoted by Daily Nation on Thursday morning.

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