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19 Jan 2018

‘I’m Stitched Up And Tubes Run From My Right Side’ Jambi Koikai Shares The Pain She’s Been Experiencing

ambi Koikai popularly known to many as Faya Mama is undergoing surgeries because of a condition called Endometriosis.
This is a medical condition that occurs when the lining of the uterus, grows in other places. When menstruation comes, it has nowhere to go.
Jambi, has come out to narrate her painful experiences that happen every month when she receives her periods.
Njambi Koikai
She narrated:

“Let Me Break It Down For You….I’ve Spent All Morning Talking With My Mother. I’ve Cried. I’ve Wailed For The Women Of This Nation.
You See I’ve Undergone 10 Surgeries And A Set Of 3 Specialised Ones To Go. So After I Leave The Theatre, I Cannot Walk. Therefore I Use A Bedpan For A Few Days. If I Need To Pee I Have To Call A Nurse. If I Need To Sh&* I Have To Call A Nurse. The Nurse Comes With This Metal Pan That Is Placed Under My Ass And I Have To Be Lifted To Fit On It Lest I Mess My Bed. I’m Stitched Up And Tubes Ran From My Right Side To A Plastic Drainer. After A Few Days I’m Always Advised To Get Out Of Bed And Walk. Well If I Need To Go The Toilet After I’ve Started Walking, I Need To Call The Nurse So We Can Detach The Bottle And I Carry It To The Toilet. Now Remember I’m Stitched Up. The Pain Is Immense, Bedsores Have Also Formed On My Back Because I Sleep Facing Up. I Have No Support Because I Need To Gain Strength. The Walk From My Bed To The Toilet Is The Longest. Never Mind That I Can’t Bend Once I’m There. I’m Still Holding On To My Drainer Bottler Because If I Let It Go, It Will Mess Up My Lungs. It’s Draining Water, Blood And Air From My Lungs For The Next 5days.
All This Was Caused By Periods And The Condition I’ve Been Battling Known As Thoracic Endometriosis.
My Mother Just Shared What She Went Through When She Gave Birth To Us. The Stitches. The Cuts. The Pain. The Agony. And She Was A Single Mother.
Then We Think About Kenyatta National Hospital. Women Who’ve Undergone Cs And Given Birth Naturally Have It Worse Than Me. They Undergo Worse Pain Than What I’ve Described. Then To Think They’re In Dangers Eye Of Rapists.
Yoh American Women Said Times Up.
It’s About Damn Time We Also Said Time Is Damn Up.”

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