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21 Jul 2017

Gladys Kamande, The Lady Who Walked With An Oxygen Tank,Angers Kenyans Who Fund-Raised Millions For Her Treatment. You Will Not Believe What She Is Accused Of Using The Millions Of Shillings You Raised For Her Treatment On

- The miraculous healing of Gladys Kamande has taken a turn for the worse
- She, her family and Ndungu Nyoro are embroiled in a battle over the millions of shillings Kenyans raised for her treatment in India

-Her family claims Nyoro refused to release funds for successive treatments and she's back in ICU
- Nyoro, however, claims the drama started when the family had other plans for the money, like buying a plot
- He also demanded accountability for hundreds of thousands of shillings misappropriated no one in Kamande's family wants to clarify the matter on Seven months ago, Kenyans came together and raised millions of shillings for Gladys Kamande, a woman who had been blind, had suffered 7 miscarriages and was living on life support.

This was after her life story went viral on social media when it was revealed that her complications begun in 2015, and that she was an abused wife. Social media humanitarian champion, Ndungu Nyoro, took up her cause and rallied Kenyans to raise funds to take Kamande to India for treatment. She returned with her eye sight restored and less dependency on a gas mask and tank to breathe

She was celebrated for overcoming her troubles as she also hosted a thanks giving event as everyone prayed God for her miracleS. However, on Wednesday, July 19, a relative of Kamande, Fred Kahura, took to social media to claim Kamande was back in ICU after Nyoro refused to release funds for her successive treatments in India. “She and her daughter returned to India but unfortunately, they were not attended to simple because someone in the name of a signatory to her account didn’t send the money. They became refugees and their passports were taken. They did not have any money for food or for the hotel they stayed in,
“Gladys’ mum had to ask for a loan for her daughter to return home and since she wasn’t treted, she is at a private hospital’s Intensive Care Unit in Komarock. She’s back on the gas tank and now, Nyoro is trying to defend himself. He won’t get away with Gladys’ money. Where is her 9 million?” wrote Kahura.
On Friday, July 21, Nyoro responded to the accusations, revealing a series of transactions he termed as suspect.

“I am always certain it was a conspiracy. How ungrateful can some people be? A group of unhappy friends teamed up, ropped in GLADYS KAMANDE and the game was done. Target? I be removed as a signatory from funds raised by the public so that someone else can have a field day,

The documents emailed from the India hospital to Ndungu Nyoro. Photo: Faceboo, Ndungu Nyoro. 
 “First they said Gladys was not treated because I refused to send money. I have attached a bill from BLK Hospital in India which I managed to get from the hospital yesterday.

You can clearly see that she was treated and at the bottom of the bill they have indicated on the payments made,

“They also said I'm holding KSh 9M , I'll attach later a bank statements showing all details. Last few weeks alone we did 3 withdrawals amounting to KSh. 400, 000. This is the amount I demanded for accountability.

Kamande before and after treatment in India. Photos: Facebook, Ndungu Nyoro. 

“As soon as she can be able to respond to questions I would like her to answer the following: We have so far sent KSh 4.5M shillings for her treatment. The first trip we are able to get receipts accounting KSh 1M, the second trip about KSh0.4M. Can she account for the rest? That's my humble question, “At some point she (Kamande) identified a plot of land worth KSh 1.5M. I requested her to allow us go through treatment until the doctors give clean bill of health. She was unhappy but I thought that was the best option for now. I am guilty as charged. I am guilty for demanding proper use of funds, on behalf of the contributors. I know how difficult it is to convince people to sacrifice their cash only for it to be spent buying expensive things and showing off to the very poor contributors,” wrote Nyoro on social media. 

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