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31 Jul 2017

Raila Odinga Calls For An Urgent Decision To Prevent His Supporters From Fleeing The City Ahead Of August 8th Elections

National Super Alliance (NASA) leaders have been forced to make an urgent decision to prevent Niarobians from fleeing the city.

Under the leadership of Nairobi Governor Dr. Evans Kidero, the leaders have launched an initiative dubbed ‘Adopt a Bus Station to lure Nairobians from fleeing from the city for fear of possible violence after the general elections in August’

The leaders have assured their supporters that there would be no violence before, during and even after the elections and therefore people should stay calm and vote for their leaders of choice.

We don’t want you to go back home. Let us adopt a bus station and stop people from fleeing from the city to rural home yet they have Nairobi Votes. There will be no violence as the elections will be peaceful” said Kidero.

Kidero’s words were echoed by Machakos Senator Johnstone Muthama, who asked their supporters not to waste their votes by going home.

“Lets us not spoil our votes by going home. Let us ensure that we send this government home on August 8, but this will only happen if we all remain to vote in large numbers on the elections day” said Muthama

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