Becoming rich means you have
to stop doing some things which are part of your daily routine. We all agree
that becoming a millionaire is not easy, but we too understand wealth does not
discriminate-anyone can be rich.
What exactly is required of you when the right path is a sure
route to success? Here is a list of things you should stop immediately if you
are planning to accumulate wealth.
beyond your means
For you to have more to save,
you have to stop living beyond your means. If your monthly salary is $1, 000,
make sure your full expenses do not exceed $500.This will demand that your buy
a fuel efficient car, rent a cheap apartment and avoid careless spending.
The rich people I know avoid as much as possible to spend more
than they save.
The second priority is to avoid alcohol, until you accumulate
enough to sustain this kind of lifestyle.
Alcohol has been found to be one of the worst enemies of saving.
Once you are addicted to alcohol chances of saving are minimal.
If you find it’s difficult to quit alcohol, join a nearby
rehabilitation centre for treatment and counseling.
Another easy way of becoming a millionaire is to avoid women. If
you are single and your salary is not enough to keep the women and remain for
savings, don’t make a mistake of marrying at this point.
If you have girlfriends littered all over, chances of becoming
poor are extremely high.
Betting is another thing which can cheat you into believing you
would wake up a millionaire. The earlier you quit the habit the better.
Let me challenge you; show me any millionaire who is
participating in betting?
spending too much time in campus
Millionaires are not necessarily the most educated. It happens
that when you spend too much time in campus as a student, you end up losing
focus. What is common among people who extend their education to PhD level is
that they believe wealth only comes through employment. Millionaires will tell
you the 10 years you will spend in college are enough to make $1 million from
The problem with our modern education is that even if you are a
PhD holder you aren’t guaranteed decent pay.
being generous
What I know is that rich people are not generous: they are too
stingy to the extent of denying themselves decent lifestyle. This is because
they know the effect of subtraction when it comes to cash.
spending before you save
When you are targeting wealth it should be a norm that you save
before spending, no matter how desperate you need the cash. This is the only
secret the likes of Warren buffet and Bill Gates have that separate them
from the poor.