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16 Aug 2017

BITTER TRUTH: Comedian Jalango Slaps Githeri Man With A Heavy Dose Of Reality

Popular comedian and radio personality Felix Odiwour aka Jalang'o has sent Martin Kamotho aka Githeri Man a message telling him he should enjoy the fame before Kenyans forget about him.

Jalang'o took to his Instagram account on Tuesday to advise the now popular man telling him that he is not special and neither did he do anything special.

He also took time to thank him for bringing the much-needed humour during the tense election period.

Dear Getheriman, first let me thank you for bringing the much-needed humour when the tensions were at 102 degrees and rising.
...I would be sad or happy but seeing your photos with Trump, Obama, Kanye and many others whom you were photoshopped with, I smiled and laughed!

"Now back to my letter, Githeriman you are not special neither did you do anything special but you are what I call a Kenyan Moment

"A Kenyan moment is that moment where Kenyans come together to celebrate nothing, be happy about nothing and anything "he wrote

Jalango went ahead to highlight previous instances of things that went viral including "Nikama drama ni Kama Vindeo" "Kifi kifi" "bwana yangu ameenda na maji" and the likes noting that they get forgotten over time.

"They will soon forget you and move on! I hear people saying that there are people taking advantage of you and exploiting you, don't listen to them but make the best out of it now," he said.

Take everything you are being offered, eat everything, collect everything, accept everything before they forget you!

"The same people saying these things have not offered you anything and will not! Soon and very soon as early as next week nobody will be talking about you because the brand Githeriman cannot stand beyond 1 month!"

He then asked him to keep tabs of everything he is being offered so that he could hold them accountable to deliver their promises before they forget about him.

"For now enjoy the moment and if possible reach out to the young man who took your photo because without him you would still be in Kayole eating your Githeri!" he concluded
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