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18 Aug 2017

Independent Electoral And Boundaries Commission (IEBC) C.E.O Ezra Chiloba To Quit His Job. See The Reason Why.

IEBC C.E.O Ezra Chiloba has revealed his plans to quit his job after conducting the recent elections.

Speaking to a source Chiloba said that serving the country and IEBC is one thing he will forever be proud of but he does not have future plans to ever manage another election.

During the recent elections Chiloba did a remarkable job with the journalists and informing Kenyans while at the Bomas of Kenya and it was a tiresome experience.

He added that his decision to never participate or manage another election is simply because of his work policy to not repeat the same thing.

Women on the other hand will be disappointed with his decision since they will not be able to see his smile again. Just saying.

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