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8 Aug 2017

PROPHET OWUOR Reveals Who Will Be The President On August 8th After Prayers In A Mountain.

Renowned prophet David Owuor of Repentance and Hollines Ministry, has revealed who will be elected President on August 8th.

Speaking to Jesus Is Lord Radio, which is owned by his Church Ministry,  Owour said that God took him to a mountain and revealed to him that Uhuru Kenyatta will beat Raila on August 8th.

“The Lord Yahweh took me to a higher mountain that I have never reached before and revealed to me this message.He told me to tell the children of this country that their president is still Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta until 2022.After there,the leadership of this country will go to the hands of the minority tribe.”Owour told his listeners.

Latest opinion polls show a neck to neck competition between Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila Odinga.

Owuor has in the past made accurate predictions through his prophesies.

Owour also dismissed claims that he is planning to join politics claiming that he is a just a Prophet passing God’s message to his children.

“I have no interest in politics of this country.I am a prophet of Jehovah Yahweh and by this virtue,I am allowed to anoint leaders.The Lord Himself have told me to tell Kenyans that when the righteous are on the throne,His children rejoice.Uhuru Kenyatta is considered righteous in the eyes of the Lord.This is in comparative terms.His leadership has been weighed and he has been found fit in the eyes of the Lord” He added.

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