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15 Sept 2017

Man Caught In City Selling Samosas Made From Cat Meat Identified.

Martin Murimi displays a skinned cat at City Hall courts. PHOTO | COURTESY

If you’re having a meal, you might want to skip this story.

Council askaris on Thursday arrested a man who was allegedly skinning a cat.

The man identified as Martin Murimi was arrested in Eastleigh with cat the meat and taken to City Hall courts.

He is currently detained at Central police station, according to OCPD Robinson Thuku.
It is not clear how many people may have fallen victim to his conman-ship.

While some countries eat cat meat regularly, others have only consumed cat meat in desperation during wartime or poverty.

In some cultures of Cameroon, there is a special ceremony featuring cat-eating that is thought to bring good luck, according to Wikipedia.

In Guangdong and Guangxi provinces in south-eastern China, some—especially older—people consider cat flesh a good warming food during winter months, the site further reports.

Cat meat is also eaten in some parts of India, even though it is illegal.

In Switzerland, private consumption and slaughter of dog and cat meat is permitted though its commercial trade is prohibited by law.

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