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19 Sept 2017

Mutahi Ngunyi Reveals The Mistake That Will Cost Uhuru The Presidency.

Political analyst Mutahi Ngunyi has for the first time taken a swipe at President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Jubilee Party.

Ngunyi, who is a staunch supporter of Mr. Kenyatta, opined that ordering Nyeri Town MP Ngunjiri Wambugu to withdraw his petition against Chief Justice David Maraga, was a destructive move for Jubilee.

In his analysis titled The Trial of Justice Maraga, the political scientist noted that Jubilee leaders wrongly advised the Head of State in the Maraga petition and could cause him the Presidency.

“This time we will disagree with the country. In fact, we will disagree with President Uhuru Kenyatta for the first time. And we will disagree with the cowardly leaders of Jubilee,” the Fort Hall School of Government analyst stated.

He highlighted that it was imperative to put the Supreme Court boss on the spot because the ruling annulling the presidential results had changed the rules of the elections.

For this, the professor's team mentioned that Wambugu ought to have been allowed to proceed with the petition.

“At the Fort Hall School of Government, we celebrate a lone ranger by the name Ngunjiri Wambugu. This man refused to play by the rules and decided to aggress Maraga. Then the cowards in Jubilee mis-advised the President, they told him this was a bad idea and this is how the Ngunjiri was killed.

“The Maraga petition was inspired by God, stopping it was a big fat mistake,” he said.

Ngunyi further theorized that since Jubilee decided not to challenge Maraga, it gave the CJ powers to act ruthlessly against the party as its plans had been exposed.

“Now Maraga know the Jubilee intentions and if he started a civilian coup, then he has to ensure it is not an aborted coup. Maraga will take it to its conclusive end,"

The analyst opined that Maraga’s judgment set to be delivered September 19, 2017, will be focused on disparaging the image of IEBC and make it impossible to conduct the fresh presidential poll.

"The real civilian coup will happen on Tuesday. The Maraga judges will give us the people their judgment and with this judgment they will render IEBC impotent and they will make an election impossible.

"This is how the presidency will be snatched from Uhuru’s mouth as we watch and it will happen in slow motion right in front of our very own eyes," the team noted.

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