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16 Sept 2017

My Husband, A Senator, Has Infected Me With STIs So Many Times

MPs in parliament during their swearing inA senator whose marital problems have been fodder for the tabloids gives his wives sleepiness nights.
In a candid interview, one of the senator’s wives revealed her fear whenever her husband comes home.
“He sleeps around with all types of women, and doesn’t use protection unless the woman really insists.
I have proof of that because I have been infected by STIs several times,” confessed the wife.
She added that whenever the husband comes to visit her once every week, she shudders at the thought of having sex with him.
“It reached a level all the doctors at the hospital know me because I was going to do HIV testing every week, fearful that if he had sex with me last night, he may have infected me, I have to do the Long Elisa test, and start taking drugs,” she revealed.
Another woman, married to a second term MP from Ukambani, reveals that she can’t leave as she has young children with the man, and doesn’t want the children to grow up without the father.
“They adore their father, even though he only comes home once or twice a week. They love him and if I left the man, I am sure he would take the children and deny me access to them.
I just have to survive and hope in a less than ten years, the children will be over 18, I will walk out of this marriage and hope I won’t have been infected with anything,” she says, adding that her husband’s infidelity is well documented, that even her own family, are aware, several of her cousins having already been bedded by the member of parliament.
She adds, “I nowadays live with it. It bothers me but I realised there is nothing I can do. I used to call the women he was with and threaten them, but eventually, I gave up.
I can’t call a new woman every day to warn them to leave my husband, it’s my husband who won’t leave them.”
These are real stories about real honourable members of parliament, a job that apparently comes with rampant libido aside from many other perks of office.
According to our investigations, one failed politician, who is nonetheless still relatively well heeled, has introduced three other politicians to a secret hideout where he books in university girls when he wants to have a good time.
The politician reportedly pays Sh180,000 every month to book the hotel apartment to service girls who are too willing to massage his fading libido for a little money.
The hideout, near Yaya Centre, is strategically placed as the restaurant, bar and the rooms aren’t frequented by locals due to the steep prices it charges.
The politician also periodically brings different women to wine and dine before using his patron’s key card to gain access to the already pre-paid suite. But what amazes the staff is that sometimes, he also brings his wife for lunch at the same facility!
The veteran politician who pays the monthly resident fees had one woman reside in the hotel for the entire month although he only ‘visited’ her less than five times for sessions that lasted the whole night.
A former nominated senator also visits once every week but prefers to pay daily rates. She also comes in with different men but rarely spends the night.
“She finishes her business in three to four hours, then goes to the bar to drink and smoke, she has never spent a night here. Saa zingine anakuja mapema sana na mwanamme, kitu kama saa mbili asubuhi na ikifika saa tano wanatoka” says a staffer at the facility.
In Nairobi West, three politicians share a private pub and hotel. The venue has a private residence that the governors use to host their friend as well as invite scores of beautiful women to entertain their guests.
Away from the city, a hotel along Mombasa Road, just before Machakos junction has also became a favorite with politicians. The Lodge not only offers the privacy that an out of town hideout offers but it is tastefully furnished and not pricey. A waitress says the facility is frequented by the high and mighty.
“The rooms are usually booked in advance and the mheshimiwa will just come in and walk to the rooms, they don’t have to sign anything,” she says. The facility has cottages at the back, away from prying eyes. The rooms cost Sh8,500 per person.

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