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5 Sept 2017

Nation Media Journalist Dies

The Nation Media Group fraternity is in mourning following the death of one of its prolific journalists.

Julliet Mutegi, an online sub-editor with the Daily Nation, died on Saturday at Aga Khan hospital where she was receiving treatment.

According to one of her colleagues, Ng'ang'a Mbugua – the Editor for Saturday Nation – doctors had told Mutegi that she had a growth In her heart.

"After seeing the cardiologist, she sent me a message saying the doctor had found growths in her heart," Mbugua said.


In a long tribute, Mbugua mentioned that Mutegi had been ailing for a while but strictly warned her work mate from visiting her at the hospital.

"In mid-August, however, I sent her a message, asking whether she had left the company without informing me. She said she was on leave.

"A few days later, she came clean and informed that she was actually admitted at the Aga Khan University Hospital but she was not seeing visitors," the Editor added.

NTV anchor Larry Madowo mounred her stating: “Speechless. Heartbroken. We worked in the same building & emailed often but never met. Now we never will”.
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