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24 Oct 2017

EU and Commonwealth Withdraws Observers from Kenya’s Election,Cites Insecurity.

EU and Commonwealth have withdrawn their observers from the Kenyan election with saying that there are credible threats to its staff.

In a statement, the two international observer missions have indicated that there are threats against its staff in the field as a good number of Kenyans are against the election and the principal challenger of President Uhuru, Raila Odinga, has withdrawn from the race.

However, EU is maintaining a small group of staff who are more of like in holiday than serious election observation saying that they will only be monitoring key aspects of the elections and reporting on the same.

The head of EU observer mission in the country Marietje Schaake has been considered more of someone in holiday than doing serious work of observing the elections. She was accused by NASA of being part of the team of imperialists who are determined to impose a leader on Kenyans.

The elections will be held on 26th October with NASA already saying that they will neither participate nor allow the elections in parts of the country which they control.

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