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22 Nov 2017

Body Refuses To Leave City Building For Burial In The Village, Relatives Forced To Use A Crane[VIDEO]

The United Kingdom (UK) on Monday, November 20 congratulated President Uhuru Kenyatta on his victory at the supreme court.The congratulatory message was sent through the UK Foreign Secretary, Boris Johnson, and confirmed by Cabinet Secretary for Foreign Affairs Amina Mohamed.

The Evening Post  established that relatives claimed the body had refused to leave through the door and hence the need for a crane, due to the height of the storeyed building, to get it out through a back window.

The body is said to have finally been taken home after being pulled out of the window. Such case are not strange in Kenya, especially Western Kenya where cases of bodies refusing to go home for their final rest abound. On December 17 , 2013, a report by KTN from Eldoret detailed the drama of a body of a 25- year- old casual worker refusing to go home for more than 20 hours Two vehicles hired to ferry the body home were reported to have developed mysterious mechanical problems. However, a third vehicle finally transported the body home for burial following certain ethnic rituals

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