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6 Nov 2017

Details Of Uhuru’s Sh38 Million Donation To Kalonzo Causes Confusion

Confusion has gripped the Kenyan political scene after reports that President Uhuru Kenyatta made a generous donation to help Wiper Leader Kalonzo Musyoka clear his wife’s hospital bill.

The unconfirmed reports had been widely circulated on social media platforms but were given life after a local newspaper run the story which further suggested that NASA leader Raila Odinga had donated a meagre Sh100, 000 towards the same cause.

Kalonzo’s wife, Pauline Musyoka, has been ailing for a long time and is currently in Germanywhere he is recuperating, in the company of her husband.

The reports of financial aid were widely circulated by Jubilee allied bloggers but they failed to mention that as a former Vice President, Kalonzo is entitled to a medical which covers him and his spouse.

Here are some of the reactions to the story:

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