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10 Nov 2017

“I Hacked IEBC Servers!” – IT Expert Confesses Embarrassing IEBC Badly

A witness on Wednesday shocked the Kisumu High Court after he declared that he hacked the IEBC servers during that August 8 General Election.

Speaking during the hearing of a petition filed by ex-Kisumu Governor Jack Ranguma against Professor Anyang Nyong’o, IT expert Levy Otieno Oduor revealed that he accessed the IEBC servers during the election where he noticed that some files had been deleted.

“When I accessed the server I realised that there was the deletion of files which were form 37A which gave room for fresh ones to be uploaded,” Mr Otieno was quoted by the Nation.

Responding to questions on who benefitted from the hacking, the witness stated that Prof Nyong’o was the major beneficiary of the malpractice.

According to Mr Otieno, the person he found performing the alleged ‘fraud’ used the login ‘nmigot@iebc.org.ke’.

“I don’t know the relationship between the person who logged in and the respondent, but what I know is there was a Nicholas Migot in Prof Nyong’o’s campaigns,” Otieno stated.
The IT expert further noted that he had been given the passwords for the server by a contact at the polls agency but did not mention any names.

“I was not alone while accessing the server. I had a contact who was helping me. I used FileZilla to access logs,” he revealed.

The presiding Judge, David Majanja, asked the witness to write down in confidence the name of his contact at the IEBC, which he gave to the court.

Prof Nyongo’s lawyer James Orengo gave Mr Otieno a hard time when he asked him to provide evidence of hacking into the system which the witness failed to provide.

 “The beauty of science is that it leaves a trail of the transaction. What footprint did you leave when you accessed the server?” Orengo asked the witness who remained silent.

Mr Otieno was testifying in support of the petition filed by former Governor Ranguma against the IEBC and Nyong’o.

Ranguma wants the court to overturn Nyong’o’s victory.

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