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8 Nov 2017

‘I Thank God For Your Transformation And Restoration,’ Mother To The Dangerous Kayole Thug Who Was Warned By Hessy Before He Was Killed Eulogizes Him.

Not so long ago, one of the toughest city cops Hessy wa Kayole warned a notorious criminal Innocent Peter Omaya to change before it was late and his message read:

“Huyu Anaitwa Innocent Mamake Anaitwa Maria, Kijana Ndiye Ameangaisha Raia Akiwa Na Ile Itoka Ya Njoru, Ni Wa Mbogi Ya Pinches Yule Stepper, Anasumbua Sana Kayole Na Matopeni.Anadai Yeye Ni Invisible.”

Innocent Peter Omayo

Well, it seems Hessy’s warning fell on deaf ears. Early this month, Innocent, who is believed to be a friend to the late Gaza gang leader Mwane Sparta, Cleah Adi Vybz among others, was gunned down by the police and yesterday, he was laid to rest at Lang’ata cemetery.

“Bandit “Inno” Ndio Huyo Safarini Akienda Kupandwa Pale Langata.Gotea Mbogi Yako Akina Odinga ,Mwane,Clea Adi Vybz Na The Rest. Waambie Arif Yao Teddy Pia Anakam Ni Vile Tu Amekwama Kwa Jam #Crimedoesnotpay,” Read A Message By Hessy.

The  20-year-old criminal was eulogized as a good man by his family and here is his mother’s tribute.

“My Dearest Son, Innocent Peter Omayo, I Love You So Much And L Thank God For Giving You To Me. I Thank God For Conceiving You, The Time I Carried You For 9 Months, Gave Birth To You, Breastfed You, Took You To Church, Took You To School And For The Time We Laughed Together, Quarrelled Together Differed Together And Reasoned Together.
I Thank God For Your Transformation And Restoration. I Thank God For The Last Time I Spoke With You On The 4′ October 2017 At 5.39pm. I Will Always Remember The Way You Observed Cleanliness. I Thank God For So Much Towards Your Sister Samantha. I Kindly Ask You, Son, To Rest In Peace And Allow Me And Your Sister Samantha To Move On And To Be What God Created Us To Be. You Will Forever Remain In My Heart Till We Meet Again In Heaven. Shine On Your Way Handsome And The Perpetual Light Shine Upon You And May God Grant Your Soul Eternal Rest. Amen.”

Innocent sister’s tribute read;

“My Dear Brother I Love You So Much And Will Always Love You. You Were Generous, Kind, Funny, Very Forgiving And Always Happy. Despite Being Young, You Taught Me A Lot About Life And Adviced Me. I Am Grateful For The Times That We Shared Together. May Your Soul Rest In Eternal Peace. I Will Forever Hold You In My Heart ….. Amen”

Here are photos from Innocent’s funeral

 Innocent Peter Omayo

 Innocent Peter Omayo

 Innocent Peter Omayo

 Innocent Peter Omayo

 Innocent Peter Omayo

 Innocent Peter Omayo

 Innocent Peter Omaya

 Innocent Peter Omaya

Check out the reactions
Felix: I wish you’d tell him all this encouraging words before he embarked on crime! Too sad but I feel your pain as a parent.
Lux: Hii imenitouch sana I can’t just stop crying 😥😥😥😥😥
Paul: We need to mentor our young men in the right direction to be good dads. All of these young men and women in crime have one thing in common, they were raised by single mothers. Look out for a brother. Inspire, mentor and mould. RIP brother only God can judge.
Joseph: 1997 …waah alikuwa anastahili kudedi akiwa amejenga Kenya ata Ka ni kamimba kamojaa..walai
Njuguna: I really hate to see the realities behind those dangerous criminal faces….
People possibly surrounded by Love and talents or energies that would have been positively Natured..Advice to Families… Don’t bring your kids to the city if you have not equipped them positively to live a productive life there…..
Isaac: Vijana I hope mnajionea tu! serikali haipedi ujinga!
Tuliagana vizuri bila kubishana form ni kureform.
Simon: Form in kuriform. Let us not regret afterwards like maria
Mulla: Copper imekua mlo sikuizi, Hessy uko tu juu
Dickson: At 20 and you are a thug?! With all the energy unaweza fanya kazi! Ma vijanaa maze form ni kureform!
Shadrack: Vijana sareni madree bure tutalambishwa wote…Tutieni bidii kwa hustle na sir Jah atatubless na tutatulia. Go well Innocent.

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