A Kenyan voter on Tuesday night caught the attention of many when he stood for his rights before the 5 judge bench at the Supreme Court led by Chief Justice David Maraga.
The elderly man who identified himself as Kings Maina was a disappointed soul after the judges threw out his application seeking to be enjoined in the petition challenging the legality of the fresh presidential election.
In the 2 minutes, he was granted to address the apex court, Mr. Maina hit out at the judges for thrashing his request. He emphasized that his application if permitted could quash the presidential petition filed by two activists within 15 seconds.
"You have delivered a ruling determining my application to be enjoined. I have an issue. I am a voter, not just an applicant. Election of a president is about voter rights. You are the final court. You have denied me the rights to heard. You have denied me access to justice. Where do you wish I go to?
"My application was going to terminate the whole petition in 15 minutes. You have taken me for granted. You have abused my rights," he said.
Maina insisted that as a taxpayer he ought to have been given a chance to participate in the presidential petition.
"This court is championing abusing my rights. I am not a busybody. My rights have been abused," Maina noted.
He added that the court had dealt with him unfairly as the registrar also threw out his application during the first presidential petition after the August 8 General Election.
"I tried coming on board on September 1 and I was locked out by the Deputy Registrar and one of you sustained me being locked out. I feel abused. Denied my citizenship," Maina added.
In response, CJ Maraga told Maina that the court will not go back on its ruling. He explained that his application would be a repetition of what was already in front of them.
Mr. Maraga added that if the Supreme court could be allowing every voter to participate in the petition it would take them two years to make a ruling.
"You are one of the 19 million voters in this country, if we allow each of the 19 million voters to be heard in these petitions, we would need some two year to determine. You have made your application, the court has ruled on it. We have even denied the Attorney General Githu Muigai from participating as Amicus Curea,” Maraga mentioned.
Here is the video: