The Star has established that the petition will be filed by
a coterie of civil society organisations, setting the stage for yet another
major legal duel at the apex court.
The new suit will essentially bring to a halt the
swearing-in preparations for Uhuru and his deputy William Ruto that was set for
November 14.
The petition is likely to pose a major challenge for the
Judiciary that has been under intense pressure after the David Maraga-led team
historically voided Uhuru’s win on September 1.
An unshaken Maraga however swore his team was prepared to
pay the ultimate price to protect the Constitution, despite threats from Uhuru
to “fix” the court. Yesterday Maraga sat on the same pew as President Kenyatta
when the two attended the ACK centenary celebrations.
Opposition leader Raila Odinga was also present.
The Supreme Court judges warned on September 1 that they
will not hesitate to nullify another presidential petition if the letter and
spirit of the Constitution are violated again.
“It [the judgment] ought to lead the IEBC to a
soul-searching and to go back to the drawing board. If not, this Court,
whenever called upon to adjudicate on a similar dispute will reach the same
decision if the anomalies remain the same, irrespective of who the aspirants
may be,” Maraga warned
Critics claim the civil society organisations heading to
court are associates of opposition chief Raila Odinga.
Raila is not taking court action and has rolled out a series
of plans, including product boycotts, as part of his battle against Uhuru.
Yesterday Siaya Senator James Orengo said they will swear in Raila as President
in two weeks. The ex-Premier will jet off to the US on Tuesday for a series of
high-profile engagements, seen as part of ASA’s wider fight-back plan against
Names of the specific organisations that will file the
petition remain a closely guarded secret. Interviews pieced together from
multiple sources said there are fears of a State raid – akin to the assault on
the NASA tallying centre on August 4 that nearly grounded the opposition.
“I want to assure you that there would be individuals who
will be walking to court tomorrow,” Ndung’u Wainaina, Executive Director,
International Centre for Policy and Conflict, told the Star, without details.
Already, the NGO Coordination Board has summoned officials
of three organisations in what is seen as a fresh onslaught on those planning
to file the petition.
Inuka Trust headed by anti-graft czar John Githogo, the
Katiba Insitute, associated with Prof Yash Pal Ghai, and Muslims for Human
Rights (Muhuri) headed by Khelef Khalifa, are among organisations that were
summoned. In a press statement on November 1, Kura Yangu Sauti Yangu, a
coalition of NGOs, lifted the lid on what could be part of the lobby’s
submissions in court.
The group said, for instance, that the IEBC voter register
had changed four times since it was gazetted in June. During the August 8
polls, the Wafula Chebukati-led IEBC said there were a total of 19,637,061
registered voters. This changed to 19,611,366 in the October 26 vote.
“The number of registered voters announced by Chebukati
differed from the gazetted number of the Register of Voters, both at the
national and county levels. In fact, Chebukati’s announced numbers match what
is in the gazetted register in only 4 of the 48 counties,” the group stated.
The rights group also claimed Chebukati got his own math
wrong from statistics in respect to three presidential candidates, including
According to the team, Uhuru’s aggregate tally of votes from
constituencies comes to 7,583,895 and not the 7,483,895 declared by the
Commission, a difference of 100,000 votes.
KYSY has also identified what it claims are blatant
doctoring of the results, especially in Garissa county.
For instance, in Bulla Mzuri Market Centre, Garissa Township
Constituency, Form 34A records total valid votes as 96, but Form 34B records
total valid votes as 496 for this station.
The lobby also raised questions on the validity of
constituency results where only a handful of polling station results were
For instance, in West Mugirango, Form 34B indicates that the
returning officer received only 1 out of 147 Forms 34A.
This was also the case in Kisumu West, where the RO received
only 9 out of 142 Forms 34A.
Wainaina said the Supreme Court has no option but to nullify
Uhuru’s victory because the vote falls way below the constitutional threshold.
“If you go to Kakamega county, for instance, it has 726,000
registered voters. Only about 40,000 voted. Which means even with 265
constituencies having voted, we have close to 113 constituencies or more where
voting was less than 20 per cent. In fact, most of them were between 0.1 per
cent to about 0.7 per cent,” Wainaina told the Star.
“Does that election become constitutional? Can that person who
got those votes claim the legitimacy, the mandate and consent to govern? Does
that person exercise the sovereignty of the people?”
But it would be difficult to invalidate Uhuru’s reelection
after the radical election amendments became law on Thursday.
The Jubilee-championed changes makes it mandatory that a
petitioner must prove in court that violations to the Constitution or any
electoral law significantly alter the presidential outcome as declared by the
“A Court shall not declare an election void for
non-compliance with any written law relating to that election if it appears
that the non-compliance did not substantially affect the result of the
election,” Section 83 of the new Election Act states.
However, the laws have been challenged in the High Court as
unconstitutional by the Katiba Institute.