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6 Dec 2017

Exclusive! Maasai Elders Deliver 100 Bulls To Be Slaughtered During Raila Odinga’s Swearing-In Ceremony On 12.12.2017

When naysayers were almost winning the war on casting aspersions as to the veracity of the swearing in of the Prime Minister Raila Odinga as the legitimate President of the Republic of Kenya— Kenyan Report has learnt of a secret delivery of 100 bulls by Maasai elders to Agwambo’s Opoda home in Nyamira, Bondo. This is a clear manifestation of the level of secrecy and tenacity with which the organizers are taking the event; our reporters were blocked from taking photos of the elder’s albeit for good reasons.

Contacted for comment one of the NASA strategists who is close to the powers that be, but not authorized to speak on behalf of the Alliance stated, ‘‘those distractors who are fond of making one way-trips to negative town, now have something to talk about as they await the unfolding of the 3rd liberation.’’

In the Origins of the American Constitution, James Madison in the Federalists paper No. 10 wrote, ‘’ There are two methods of curing The mischiefs of a faction: the one, by removing its causes; the other, by controlling its effects. ‘’ There are again two methods of removing the causes of faction, the one by giving to every citizen the same opinions, the same passions, and the same interests.’’ 

This intellectual intercourse wrote in November 22, 1787 is very akin to Kenya of Today— how I wish our selfish leaders in Government could learn to enforce the idea of the same National interest and not narrow tribal interests that only acts to divide the already polarized Nation. I want to pray there is till an opportunity to salvage what is left of Kenya.

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