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6 Dec 2017

Smells Like A Dead Cat! Man Arrested By Police After Smelly Socks Cause Uproar In A Bus

A man in India got the shock of his life after he was arrested for causing public nuisance by suffocating passengers with his smelly socks.

According to the Daily Mail, the man travelling from Himachal Pradesh to New Delhi was arrested after fellow passengers confronted him over the pungent smell emanating from his socks.

In order to get comfortable for the long trip, the man is said to have removed his shoes and socks in the bus infuriating passengers who engaged him in a heated argument after he refused to throw them out.

When the uproar degenerated into a fist fight as passengers tried to eject him out over the smell, the bus driver decided to pull over at a police station in Una district.

According to Una police chief Sanjeev Gandhi, the man was arrested after he threatened other passengers and for causing a disturbance at the police station.

“He was arrested on charges of causing public nuisance and later released on bail,” said Gandhi.
The man was forced to travel on another bus the next day.

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