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19 Dec 2017

WARMING UP FOR JUBILEE? Coast MPS Threaten To Ditch Raila Odinga As They Apologize For Misleading Their Supporters To Vote For NASA

Members of Parliament from the Coastal region have threatened to ditch National Super Alliance (NASA) leader Raila Odinga expressing frustration from the opposition party after the region was sidelined during the nominations to the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA).

Speaking in Gazi village, the Chair of the Coast Parliamentary Group, Suleiman Dori apologized to residents for misleading them to supporting NASA citing failure to be honored despite providing massive political support.

“We are 27 Coast MPs elected in the NASA coalition, we are leading in numbers followed by Nyanza but it is shocking that when reaping some people go alone in the night.”

“Next time we are going to lead you where there will be benefits for all of us and that’s why, as the Chair of Coast Parliamentary Group, I am apologizing for leading you into darkness.

“Our importance in the coalition is not recognized, Raila Odinga should stand with the truth and with the people of Coast. In the two houses of parliament, only three communities have been represented in the coalition leadership but Mijikenda have been left out,” the Msambweni MP conveyed.

He added that the region had been overlooked in terms of development projects adding that the residents had suffered for years because of land injustices.

“We have seen MCAs in Kiambu have passed a motion requiring that 70% of employees must come from that County, we are asking our MCAs to also pass a motion requiring the residents to benefit with 50% of our minerals and resources,” Mr Dori added.

He was accompanied by MPs Peter Katana (Kaloleni), Ali Mbogo (Kisauni), Benjamin Tayari (Kinango) and Kassim Tandaza (Matuga).

Meanwhile, Mr Odinga is expected to inaugurate the coast region people’s assembly on Sunday afternoon.
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