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17 Jan 2018

Kenyans On Twitter Attack Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko And This Is Why

Kenyans On Twitter (KOT) took to Twitter to vent their anger after videos circulated widely on social media showing city revellers arrested after hanging out at one of the recently banned clubs.

In the video clips, the party goers are scene escorted from the club by armed security officers and hounded into a police lorry.
playA screen grab showing party goers escorted from one of the banned clubs by armed security officers before being hounded into a police lorry. (Courtesy)
KOT directed their anger to the Nairobi County Government led by Governor Mike Sonko and the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA).
Last week NEMA ordered the closure of two popular Nairobi clubs KIZA and Jiweke Tavern in Kilimani in what they stated as complains by residents.
playA screen grab showing armed security officers before they arrested party goers from one of the banned clubs. (NTV)

The closure came barely days after the authority closed two other clubs, B-Club and Space clubs in the same area.
Here are some of the reactions from KOT.

Last week, Ali Oumarou who is the owner of Kiza lounge disclosed that the directive to ban his club was malevolent as the authorities did not inspect the premises despite several invitations.
It is reported that thousands of Kenyans, most of whom are staff and employees of the targeted nightclubs, are facing unemployment order stands in place.

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