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18 Jan 2018

List Of NASA MPs Against Signing Of Raila’s Swearing-in Affidavit


At least four NASA legislators from Gusii region are not keen to sign an affidavit compelling them to support Raila Odinga’s planned swearing-in.

A group of MPs led by Kakamega Senator Cleophas Malala came up with a document that would help them identity those opposed to the inauguration plans of Raila as president.

But in the recent weeks, several opposition legislators have distanced themselves from the plans with some even recognising President Uhuru Kenyatta.

At parliament buildings, Kitutu Chache South MP Richard Onyonka vowed to work with Jubilee, a move that caused jitters within NASA coalition.

Similarly, South Mugirango MP Sylvanus Osoro opposed the idea of swearing-in Raila on grounds that it could destabilize the country.

In Nyamira, Borabu MP Ben Momanyi has been leading onslaught against Raila and has since gone public with his dalliance with Jubilee admnistration.

Ford Kenya’s Vincent Kemosi of West Mugirango, equally has not spared Raila with some of his constituents demanding for his resignation from NASA.
Raila Must Be Sworn In, NASA MPs Insist

Forty six Members of Parliament (MPs) allied to National Supper Alliance (NASA) have signed an affidavit in support of the swearing in Raila Odinga and Kalonzo Musyoka on January 30.
Four MPs from the coalition parties calling themselves Tangaza Msimamo led by Kakamega senator Cleophas Malala said they were targeting over a hundred law makers to commit that they supported event at the end of the month.

The legislators including ODM director of Political Affairs and Ugunja MP Opiyo Wandayi, his Makueni counterpart Dan Maanzo and Nominated MP Godfrey Osotsi, said they wanted to ensure that the swearing in of Raila and Kalonzo did not fail.

In the affidavit, members of the national assembly and senators are expected to acknowledge that they understood the Constitution of Kenya (2010) and fully supported the establishment of the People’s Assemblies, the ascension and recognition of Raila and Kalonzo as the president and deputy of the People’s Republic of Kenya.

“I recognize …Raila and Kalonzo as the President of the People’s Republic of Kenya having been duly elected by the people of Kenya in exercise of their sovereign power granted under the Constitution of Kenya (2010)”.

The affidavit noted that the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission failed to comply with the Supreme Court’s orders to open its servers that contained the actual, accurate and final results of the presidential elections held on 8th August, 2017.

“That had the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission complied with the Supreme Court’s orders and opened the servers, those results would have shown that the winner of the presidential election held on 8th August, 2017 was …..Raila,” read part of the affidavit. “That the repeat election for president of Kenya held on 26th October, 2017 was null and void and an illegality ab initio because there were accurate final results available for the election for president held on 8th August, 2017. That there was no need for a new election for president of Kenya to be held as the people of Kenya had already voted for their president by popular, overwhelming vote on 8th August, 2017. That the choice of president for the people of Kenya manifested in their free will is Rt. Hon. Raila Amollo Odinga”.

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