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31 Jan 2018

The major political shift happening in Nairobi at 1PM

Nairobi's Polycarp Igathe's resignation takes effect Today at 1PM

Wednesday will mark the beginning of Nairobi County singlehandedly being led by Governor Mike Sonko as his Deputy Polycarp Igathe’s resignation is expected to take effect today at 1 PM.

Mr Igathe made his resignation public on January 12, 2018 on social media. In the post Mr Igathe noted that among the reasons that prompted him to resign was lack of trust between him and Governor Mike Sonko.
playNairobi Governor Mike Sonko and his deputy Polycarp Igathe (Facebook)

Igathe claimed that he had failed to earn the trust of Governor Mike Sonko to enable him to serve the people of Nairobi as promised during campaigns.
"Dear Nairobians, it is with a heavy heart that I resign my seat as elected Deputy Governor of Nairobi City County effective 1 pm on 31st Jan 2018. I regret I have failed to earn the trust of the Governor to enable me to drive Admin & Management of the county.
"Without fear, favor or ill will I step down to avoid abusing or betraying my oath of office to Kenyans, Nairobians & my family," he said.
Igathe’s move was highly politicized with many speculating that there was bad blood between him and Mr. Sonko.
playNairobi Governor Mike Sonko and his deputy Polycarp Igathe (Twitter)

Political pundits commented widely on the matter with controversial analyst Mutahi Ngunyi revealing the one mistake the former Vivo Energy boss made before resignation.
The Constitution is silent on what should happen next if a Deputy Governor vacates his office.
Nairobi will be the second County without a Deputy Governor after Nyeri Governor Wahome Gakuru died and his Deputy Governor Mutahi Kahiga assumed the position.

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