Things have really gotten worse between former BFF Betty
Kyallo and Susan Kaittany.The KTN anchor called police on Susan Kaittany over a
petty issue.
Betty and Susan reportedly fell out over ‘a person of
interest’ they shared.The two friends turned foes terminated their business
partnership and went their separate ways.
Susan and Betty jointly founded Posh Palace in December 2016.
The enterprise is now being run by Susan alone following the split with Betty.
On Monday Betty Kyallo showed up at Posh Palace in company
of police officers. The KTN anchor got Susan arrested for holding onto her
Betty’s passport was left at Susan’s home after the two went
on a trip to Thailand sometimes in May 2017.The KTN anchor decided to get back
on her former BFF by calling cops on her to get her passport back.
Apparently the two former partners have also severed all
forms of communication between them.They are now intimidating each other the
best way they know.