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16 Feb 2018

Finally,Kalenjin Community Have Something To Smile About

Kos Mavoko is a professionally known Kenyan musician,kale bongo song writer
and performer

Despite constant criticism of his quality of music, Kos Mavoko's songs have continued to perform well in the charts, mainly because of his strong appeal to a loyal youthful fan base. Most recently, Ndureret, his latest track, peaked at number one in all major charts in rift valley

His name Kos Mavoko is authentic and native coming from kosgei his Kalenjin name and
mavocals a swing slang from his vocal capability. 2015 Kos Mavoko met and guidance Kenyan music producer Kenny rushes who taught him about music writing, song arrangements and how to explore his vocal capability. After mentorship from his cousin/manager Cherry-X Later in the same year he released two singles Juliet and Mwochinewon which had a good reception as his style was new in kale Bongo unlike kale Benga which was popular in Rift Valley.In 2016 Kos Mavoko went to Tanzania to study music in Tanga music school. After a short break from music to sharpen his musical skills,

He  is now back with a brand new song called Ndureret produced by Live to sing music studio,the word Ndureret means flute…it’s a Kalenjin native bongo song in which he uses the ,word to describe a beautiful lady dearly missed after she left and promised to be back but has never returned. The video is produced and Directed by Crizo of” Eye Brows Up” which is yet to be released.

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