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13 Feb 2018

How Uhuru could become Prime Minister in 2022

President Uhuru Kenyatta during a past state function

President Uhuru Kenyatta is set to become the youngest retired head of state in Kenya's history.  In 2022 when his final term ends,  Kenyatta will be 61 years.

Pundits have considered some of the possible retirement plans that would be fit for such a 'youthful' retiree - at least by Kenyans standards. 
During an interview with Kameme Tv last year,  Kenyatta's buddy and Jubilee Vice Chairman David Murathe joked that they were considering a "Putin-Medvedev" situation. 
Russian President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev in 2012 swapped roles in part of a strategy that has helped the two strengthen their grip on power.
playPresident Uhuru Kenyatta (right) with William Ruto (PSCU)

NCCK call for Office of Prime Minister
While this possibility may have seemed remote,  new developments suggest that Kenyatta may soon be the country's third prime Minister. 
The National Council of Churches of Kenya has already called for a constitutional  amendment that will create the office of Prime Minister.
They have claimed that the powerful post will enhance "inclusivity in the executive".
The NASA coalition has supported the NCCK's position and will by the end of this month launch a referendum  push for the relevant constitutional amendment.
Jubilee has not responded to the calls for a Prime Minister position and could well be scheming how to take advantage of the situation - as they have on several other situtions. 
playJubilee Vice Chairman David Murathe (The Star)

Jubilee Party Leader
The reality is that most most commonwealth countries pick the leader of the party with the majority in parliament, to be the Prime Minister. 
The failure by NASA affiliate parties to merge into one party means that there is a high likelihood of Jubilee remaining the dominant party in parliament - regardless of the outcome of the presidential election.
At this point,  lets go back to Murathe,  the man who told us Kenyatta would be ruthless in his second term - and many dismissed him. 
Well, the Jubilee Vice Chairman recently stated that Uhuru will remain the Jubilee party leader even after 2022. Does this confirm my hypothesis or am I reading too much coincidence?  Only time will tell.

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