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6 Feb 2018

Makadara MP George Aladwa Tells Police to go for NASA Leader Raila Odinga

George Aladwa

Makadara MP George Aladwa on Tuesday stated that police officers should arrest NASA leader Raila Odinga instead of going after him and lawyer Miguna Miguna.

Speaking from the CID headquarters in Nairobi where he had been summoned, Aladwa reiterated that he had not committed any offense by attending Odinga's 'swearing-in'.

"We were invited to Uhuru Park as NASA leaders. I was not the one being sworn-in, neither was TJ Kajwang' or Miguna. The man who was sworn-in was Raila Odinga.

"They should arrest him, not us. We were just cheering the one who was sworn-in. Let them go for him.
"The bridegroom has not been arrested but his guests have been arrested. The man they should arrest is Odinga," he remarked.

Ruaraka MP Kajwang', Miguna and Aladwa were all arrested in connection with the 'oath-taking' ceremony at Uhuru Park - Mr Kajwang’ accused of administering it, Mr Miguna of commissioning it and Mr Aladwa of consenting to an illegal oath and being present in an illegal assembly.

Police later released Kajwang' and Aladwa but Miguna remains in custody.

Odinga took the oath as the "People's President" last week at Uhuru Park in an event that was termed illegal by various leaders allied to the Jubilee Party who called for his arrest.

Murang'a Senator Irungu Kang'ata, however, had a different opinion.

While maintaining that the government was not afraid of arresting Odinga, the Senator stated that the Opposition leader had not committed any crime.

“Mr Odinga has not committed any crime. If he had violated the law, he would have been arrested.
“He did not take oath as the President of the Republic. There are many presidents in this country such as university student leaders.

"People are being arrested because they are misleading him and making inciting utterances,” he remarked.

Political analyst Mutahi Ngunyi argued that if Odinga was arrested, Kenya would burn, but also maintained that the government should arrest him for causing disruption.
"Kenya will burn if Raila is arrested, however, Kenya will bounce back. Each time Kenya burns because of Raila it bounced back," Ngunyi stated.

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