Governor Alfred Mutua’s party Maendeleo Chap Chap has been accused of failing to pay Antony Meeli Sh. 1.44 million. He said that the party contracted to make campaign caps on February 2017.
He said that he received some payment at the start of the contract. He was asked to deliver 4050 caps to Machakos people’s park.
He was told to wait for payment that evening which did not materialize, he was told to wait on the cheque and kept on being taken in circles.
He said said that on June 1 2017 he was asked to deliver 1000 caps after Governor Mutua was cleared by the IEBC to run under the party.
He was paid the money for the 1000 caps and told to go to the headquarters to get his balance.
Antony Meeli has not received any payment to date. He said that this contact person was Dennis Muchemi Wanjohi.