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15 Feb 2018

Photo Of Larry Madowo Hanging Out With This Gay Tanzanian Celebrity Raises Eyebrows

For years now many have been questioning why Larry Madowo has never introduced his girlfriend.But judging from how private he likes to keep his life we can somehow understand him.However being a man who has never been caught or rumored to be with any woman, many question his sexuality.

This has been a question many wish to get answered but each time we find ourselves back at square one.

Anyway a new picture of him hanging out with Tanzanian Dayon Monson who is an open gay man has once more left many talking.The photo believed to have been leaked online brings many back to asking which team Larry Madowo plays for since he had made it hard to be known.

Larry Madowo also seems to be in the same boat as Sauti Sol’s Chicano. These two fellas have never been spotted with their spouses and their sexuality also remains a mystery.

Anyway with all that said and done, there is no harm in Larry Madowo posing with the Tanzanian star since he is a well known celebrity.

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