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21 Feb 2018

REVEALED:The Price 'KNH Baby' was to be Sold at

Image result for KNH STOLEN BABY

A baby who had been stolen at the Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH) on Sunday was found yesterday in Kawangware and it has emerged that he was to be sold for Sh7,000.

Edinah Kemunto, the woman suspected of stealing the baby, revealed that she already had a customer identified only as Jennifer who had agreed to buy the baby for Sh7,000.

She further divulged that she was handed the baby by a cousin of the infant’s father at the hospital but was later “tricked” by Jennifer to escape with the baby to the Kawangware.

Kemunto also stated that she had not pre-planned the incident as she had gone for a routine check-up at the hospital.

“I had gone to the hospital for a check-up because I developed complications after giving birth to my baby, who died in February last year,” she remarked.

The suspect revealed that she handed the baby to Jennifer outside the hospital and later headed to her house in Kawangware.

“After I returned to my house, I realised that I had done a mistake and I went back to Jennifer’s house to try and convince her that we should return the baby.

“I told her that, even though we had agreed that she was going to pay me, I was not happy about what we had done,” she was quoted by the Nation.

Kemunto further claimed that they had planned to return the baby to hospital on Monday but she was busted on Tuesday while washing the baby.

Police from Kilimani Police Station arrested her and revealed that they had been tipped off by a caller from Kawangware who had seen the baby at the suspect's house.

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