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15 Mar 2018

Current Situation in Nairobi amid Heavy Rain [PHOTOS & VIDEO]

Current Situation in Nairobi amid Heavy Rain [PHOTOS & VIDEO]

Business in Nairobi was brought to a standstill on Thursday morning after a heavy downpour which started at about 6 PM.

The heavy rain resulted in major traffic snarl-ups in most of the roads. Motorists were implored to exercise caution on the roads as the fog also affected visibility.
Some of the roads that were affected included: Forest Road, Uhuru Highway, Globe Roundabout, Juja Road,  Mbagathi Road, Bangladesh - Ongata Rongai, Lang'ata Road, T-Mall Roundabout Westlands/Peponi Road, Ojijo Road and Ngong Road.
The Evening Post has compiled the current situation on the various roads.
playCurrent situation in DT Dobie, Nairobi (Facebook)
playCurrent situation in South C amid heavy rain (Facebook)
playCurrent situation in South C amid heavy rain (Facebook)

playCurrent situation in Imara Daima amid heavy rain (Facebook)

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