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9 Mar 2018

I Hope Raila Shuts Up After Receiving His Envelope-Jubilee Senator

Millicent Omanga standing between Mike Sonko and Johnson Sakaja at a past event

As Kenyans congratulated President Uhuru Kenyatta and National Super Alliance leader Raila Odinga for putting aside their differences, nominated Senator Millicent Omanga had no kind words for the opposition chief.
In a thin veiled attack at the opposition boss, the legislator questioned the Friday meeting at Harambee House.
Through her Twitter account, Omanga expressed her hope that the NASA boss is the type that shuts up after receiving their envelopes.
playA tweet attributed to Millicent Omanga (Twitter)

She also predicted that soon, the opposition chief will emerge with fresh claims on the Jubilee administration.
Omanga who contested the Jubilee party ticket for Nairobi Woman Representative concluded her post by summarizing that “don’t bite the hand that feeds you.
Her post has cast doubts on the commitment of Raila and Uhuru to unite for the sake of the nation.
playRaila Odinga after the meeting with President Kenyatta (The Standard)

“I hope Raila is the type that one person that shuts up after receiving his envelope. Soon you’re gonna hear him yapping ati oooh Jubilee this Jubilee that, oooh People’s Samantha.”
The opposition chief swore himself in as the 'Peoples' President after he claimed to have been rigged out and robbed of victory by President Kenyatta.
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