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7 Mar 2018

Raila Odinga’s Net Worth And Properties He Owns Check Them Out Here

Raila Odinga's Net Worth And Properties He Owns

President Uhuru Kenyatta was thought to be the richest politician in kenya until the government did an audit of Raila Odinga’s properties and bank accounts. Here is Raila Odinga’s Net Worth
In 2017 -2018 Raila’s accounts totalled to 21B USD While that of Uhuru Kenyatta was abuot 18B USD. That alone summed it up all. By 2018, Raila was the richest politician in kenya.

Here is Raila Odinga wealth/ properties/ investments/what Raila owns.

· Spectre International Limited (the holding company for Kisumu Ethanol Plant)-Estimated to be Kes 7 billion.
· The Odinga family owns 40 percent of the company.
· East African Spectre-a gas manufacturing plant that was founded by his father the doyen of Kenya’s opposition politics Jaramogi Oginga Odinga. Company is valued at Sh500 million.
· Kisumu Home-Kes1 billion
Raila’s family home in Karen Nairobi. Estimated Worth Sh50 million
Runda House-Estimated Worth Sh15million
· Mombasa Home-Value unknown
· Pan African Petroleum Company deals with the importation of and distribution of petroleum products. It is said to have a turnover of Sh500million.
Two choppers

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