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9 Mar 2018

Uhuru's Mistake That Made Kenya Broke Revealed

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COTU Secretary General Francis Atwoli has revealed that President Uhuru Kenyatta disregarded his warning in 2015 to avoid taking loans carelessly.

Speaking on Thursday, Atwoli stated that the result of the President's action was being felt in Kenya as the economy is now crippling.

He faulted the government stating that the current financial crisis has been aggravated by unethical hiking of projects from millions to billions of shillings which is at the expense of the local 'Mwanachi'.

"The projects that had been initiated by former President Mwai Kibaki had budgets of millions, now they are being implemented at a cost of billions," Atwoli stated.

"The new report by the auditor general has proved right that we are in a financial crisis. Indeed we proved right as announced by both the Auditor General and by the Treasury CS Henry Rotich," he noted.

Image result for COTU Secretary General Francis Atwoli

He further advised President Kenyatta to be more assertive and take affirmative action against corrupt politicians.

"The President needs to be assertive and put his foot down to stamp out the misuse of public funds by the people he trusts," Atwoli told journalists

Atwoli affirmed that COTU is prepared to assist the President by naming unscrupulous fellows who are involved in corruption.

On Wednesday, Treasury CS Henry Rotich told the Senate Finance committee that the government is 'broke' and unable to raise much in terms of revenue and allocated funds to the counties.

However, the CS retracted his statement to the Senate Finance Committee and told the media that he was quoted out of context.

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