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28 Mar 2018

Where To Find Cheapest Bedsitters In Nairobi For Less Than 6,000

Cheapest Bedsitters In Nairobi 

Housing in Nairobi can be stressful. Housing is expensive. Especially for the low earners, finding a descent home in Nairobi is the hardest thing to do. There are places with much cheaper houses than others. There are places that bedsitters are nonexistence. Places like Kileleshwa, Kilimani or Runda. Finding a bedsitter is close to impossible. Majority of middle earners who reside in these areas live in Servant Quarters.  Cheapest Bedsitters In Nairobi

People also think houses are cheaper in the slam areas. Wrong. Research has shown good houses in the slums are way too expensive. One bedrooms in these areas go for at least 20,000 to 25,000 Kenya shillings. Only a few can afford this. This is the main reason the slums are getting more congested with mabati houses.

Below are places you can find cheaper bedsitters for less than 6,000 Kenya shilling

  • Umoja
  • South C
  • South B
  • Dagorreti Kona
  • Wanyee
  • Satelite
  • Kasarani
  • Lang’ata
  • Kibera
  • Kahawa Wendani

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