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27 Apr 2018

Chipukeezy In Trouble Over Interview With ‘Uhuru’s Daughter’

Backlash after Chipukeezy’s interview with ‘Uhuru’s Daughter’

Tamara Risheel became an overnight sensation last Friday when she took to the streets of Nairobi to announce that she was looking for her father, Uhuru Kenyatta.

Her moment in the spotlight was unceremoniously cut short after she was huddled into a police car and sent to Kilimani police station where she spent part of her weekend. She was bailed out by Starehe MP Charles Kanyi Njagua alias Jaguar who was accompanied by some media personalities among them Chipukeezy who is close to the MP.
playTamara gets bailed out (Instagram)

Tamara Risheel then got another moment in the limelight when she was invited to Chipukeezy’s show on Ebru TV where she disclosed that she compiles at least 15 songs daily and has a collection of 30,000 songs in her archives.
Tamara also disclosed that she was orphaned and at some point left homeless because she had to run away from Huruma as her life was in danger for her pro-Uhuru sentiments that included a rap song.
playChipukeezy’s interview with ‘Uhuru’s Daughter’ (Instagram)

Her interview may have entertained the studio audience and some people on YouTube but that episode has received an avalanche of negative reactions.
This is because some netizens feel that the comedian is taking advantage of Tamara who they believe is not only disadvantaged but is suffering from some form of mental illness, which is nothing to make light of.
Here are just some reactions to the episode from social media:
Karanja Nzisa: Kenya though. A girl who’s obviously suffering a horrible form of psychosis is now being paraded before cameras which beam images and footage of her at her worst into our homes and people are RELISHING it. How does someone’s suffering become comedy show fodder? Please keep your entertainment.
Karimi Mwari N: I watched in horror as Chipu made fun of her and wondered is this really entertainment or just a new form of ridiculing people. I wonder where her people are. It is not right for her condition to be used for entertainment. Soon they will be going to mental hospitals.
Mungai Stella: I watched the video almost in tears. Such a poor innocent soul who obviously needs psychiatric help being mocked and ridiculed on national tv. That guy needs to apologise and any advocates of mental health issues out there should stand up for that girl. mschew
Ian Bradley Wanjau: I called it out, what the fuck kind of society is this...the station, producers and the host are all trash. Mental health awareness here is still zero.
Doug Odhiambo: What we consume as news or entertainment is disgusting. And we still consume it with relish. We're disgusting.
playChipukeezy and the Youth Empowerment Foundation visits Tamara in Kawangware (Instagram)

On Instagram, the sentiments on Facebook were echoed with some asking the comedian to get mental help for the young girl.
njeru_joy: You should be getting mental help for that girl..unamleta show, what is funny with what she's doing? Na kazi ni kupost post mapicha..you are in a good position, a position that you can use to help. Stop wasting it
joe_githuku: Your quest for mileage pegged on this lady will get you into trouble
salmakiki: She needs psychiatric evaluation first. My heart broke listening to her.
Kilonzih: Start by taking her to a psychiatrist....
Mwongelindambuki: The best thing you can do is get her a mental health specialist and fast. She is dire need of one @chipukeezy

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