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27 Apr 2018

Honest Matatu Tout Who Returned Sh. 30,000 Rewarded With Special Package

Daniel Mwaura, coined the honest matatu tout, is counting his blessings after he returned Sh.30,000 to a passenger that was onboard his vehicle earlier on this week.

His wife, who is expecting their second child, has been gifted with a free delivery package from The Nairobi Hospital.
The package has three options including; a normal delivery, assisted delivery and caesarian section delivery.
Antenatal at The Nairobi Hospital usually costs Sh. 40,000, a normal delivery Sh. 80,000, assisted delivery Sh.100,000 and a caesarean section costs Sh. 160,000.
playOld photo of Daniel and his wife - Daniel's wife has been awarded with a free delivery package at The Nairobi Hospital. (Nairobi News)

Speaking to Nairobi News, an elated Daniel expressed a sign of relief saying that the money he had saved would allow him to allocate the money they had already started saving up for other causes.

Matatu conductor Daniel Mwaura (left) of Ganaki Sacco and his wife. PHOTO | COURTESY
“I’m very excited as I had an NHIF card and had started saving up in case we are required to top up any cash. We had however not booked delivery at the St.Teresa Kikuyu Hospital where my wife has been attending clinics,” he said.
His wife had this to say: “He had told me that he had found a customer’s wallet with some money but he never told me how much it was until the story started trending. I remember he told me that even if he had brought me the Sh.30,000 it would not meet all our need. He also told me not to worry as he would work hard as always and the expenses of the baby that is coming would be taken care of.”
Daniel wife is set to deliver their second born in June.

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