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27 Apr 2018

Kenyan Lesbian Movie ‘RAFIKI’ Banned In The Country By Ezekiel Mutua


Kenyan lesbian film ‘Rafiki’ has been banned in Kenya by Kenya films and classification board (KFCB). The film had been selected to show case at the Cannes Festival this year.

The film would be the first Kenyan film to debut at the festival. The film was written by Wanuri who announced that the film had been banned in Kenya.She said that she believed that adults in Kenya had been denied the  right  to discern the content they want to watch

The banning of this movie is a contradiction to what Ezekiel Mutua had said that he celebrated the nomination of the film as it told the Kenyan story of young people who are struggling with sexuality. He was speaking at Jeff and Jalas show on Hot 96.

The National gay and lesbians Human Rights Commission (NGLHRC) has condemned the film bu the KFCB and have congratulated the producer Wanuri on her nomination.

They have said that Ezekiel Mutua’s support fr the film was fake as he only wanted too go for the Cannes festival to meet the greats.

The film  is about a love story between its female friends,“Kena and Ziki long for something more. Despite the political rivalry between their families, the girls resist and remain close friends, supporting each other to pursue their dreams in a conservative society. When love blossoms between them, the two girls will be forced to choose between happiness and safety.”

Here is the trailer

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