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26 Apr 2018

Kenyan Women Angry After A Woman Was Raped And Threatened With Death By A Street Kid In Nairobi

Nairobi street kids are becoming quite tactical when it comes to their presence in the City Center.

A Kenyan lady was threatened with death while being raped by a street kid on Charles Rubia road along Kirinyaga road in the River Road area.

In the video that has been circulating the lady was screaming and was told if she keeps screaming she will be killed as the rapist went about overpowering her.

Please do not kill me. Tell the people who are recording to stop as I will get killed.

The lady covered her face in shame as her attacker focused on getting the act done and she stopped screaming.

The rapist has been identified as Baite and as he was carrying out the act everyone who was present (his fellow gang ) cheered him.
Nicholas Kamwende, the Nairobi Directorate of Criminal Investigations has urged the woman to come out and identify the gang members so they can be prosecuted.

That was wrong and criminal. We urge the victim to visit my office or Central and help us in getting the men behind it. This can happen again to anyone.

The video is not dated so it is not easy to tell when the incident took place.

According to reports, there has been a rise in the number of street kids robbing people in Nairobi and safety is becoming a concern.

The rape incident has created outrage online as women want the perpetrators of the injustice to the lady arrested.

Women are getting scared of walking alone in the city center due to fear of being raped or getting mugged.

Most are advising each other on tactics to use to stay safe in town as they have fears of falling victim in the hands of wrong people who are out here to harm them.

To stay safe the are measures one has to ensure they  take and do not walk in dark alleys and ensure you avoid any places that are isolated. Always turn back and run if you see people trying to approach you in a group.

May the lady who was raped finally find her justice.

Do you feel safe walking around the City center or your neighborhood? What ways do you think will keep women safe?

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