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25 Apr 2018

Lady Claiming To Be Uhuru Kenyatta’s ‘Daughter’ Spills Unknown Details About Herself While Speaking To Chipukeezy (Video)

Lady claiming to be Uhuru Kenyatta's 'daughter' spills unknown details about herself while speaking to Chipukeezy (video)

Tamara Risheel shocked many after she came out claiming Uhuru Kenyatta was her dad. This left many talking and of course many concluded that this was just another publicity stunt.

Surpringly the move pulled by the 18 year old not only landed her in police custody but also on Ebru TV. After Jaguar bailed her out from Jail, the lady was hosted on Chipukeezy’s show where she opened up about her life.

Well, as you already guessed Risheel is not Uhuru’s daughter biological daughter but she considers him her dad at heart.

While speaking to Chipukeezy a few days ago, Risheel went on to reveal that she dropped out of school at year 10; and since then she has been working on her musical career.

She writes 150 songs a day and so far has a song about President Uhuru and other celebrities she adores. Below is a video of her interview courtesy of Ebru TV.

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