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25 Apr 2018

Lilian Muli Speaks On Jeff Koinange Fathering Her Baby

Lilian Muli answers Kenyans claiming Jeff Koinange fathered her baby 

New anchor Lilian Muli is gearing up to launch her new show “Pregnant with Lilian” on Viusasa that will share some of the tough things women go through while pregnant.

The show has attracted both negative and positive publicity as Kenyans anticipate to see some of the topics the controversial news anchor will be talking about.

Muli has shared the first promo of the show which has her talking about a wide range of topics including a controversial one that left Kenyans shocked.

After Muli announced she was pregnant, Kenyans started guessing who the father of the baby is, a thing that led to many conspiracy theories, but one which claimed fellow Citizen employee and news anchor Jeff Koinange was the father shocked many included Muli herself.

“Seriously guys? Really?” Lilian asks in the promo after saying that that was the craziest rumour she heard on her pregnancy.

Here is a snippet of what Muli had to say about the pregnancy and speculation that Jeff was the man behind it all.

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