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26 Apr 2018

Meet Vivian,THE Beautiful Mum Got Married At 50 And Has Welcomed Her Child At 51

Society has always expected women to get married at a particular age or have kids at a particular point in time before reaching a certain age.

With advanced technology most women have been able to have kids at an advanced stage and an example is Janet Jackson who welcomed her baby after turning 50.

A lady known as Mo Abudu who is well known in the media industry across Africa  has come out to celebrate her friend Vivian who welcomed her first child recently.

According to her, Vivian got married at 50 and a year later welcome her first baby.

Top Africa media personality Mo Abudu has taken to social media to celebrate her best friend who got married at 50 and welcomed her baby at 51.

Read what she wrote below

My darling Viv, today I celebrate you and I thank God for your life and strength. What a testimony your life has become. You met and fell in love with JS as we fondly call him when you were about to turn 50❤❤. You guys got married. The most beautiful wedding ever💕🎀💝. Then came the wait for a child and you were so determined about having this child, we were worried because you had just turned 50 then. But you persisted and yesterday to the glory of God, you gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. How wonderful is that 🙏🏾🙏🏾Sweetheart God loves you specially to do all these wonderful things for you. Congratulations darling. JS thank you so much for making our friend so happy💕💕💕💕. Lord thank you for your love, favor and kindness in the life of Viv and JS🙏🏾. I mean look at this beautiful pic of my darling Besto during her pregnancy 💝💝💝 and she is 51💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽, incredible🙏🏾. I am also sharing this story to say, never ever give up and with God on your side and with a good heart, all things are surely possible🙏🏾.

Check out the beautiful photos below

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