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4 Apr 2018

Miguna Crisis New Opportunity For Democratic Change – Raila Advisor Salim Lone

This regime’s lawless behaviour continues unabated, as if nothing really changed on March 9th. Its latest outrage of scorning multiple court orders explicitly instructing it to restore Miguna’s nationality and facilitating his re-entry home, and then treating him abusively in full view of the world’s cameras, shows Jubilee is incorrigibly dedicated to pursuing impunity, and cannot be trusted.

Raila traveled the proverbial infinite mile and showed Kenyans and the world he cared more for peace and the possibility of rectifying our profound ailments by putting aside all personal ambition as well as the trauma and pain inflicted by having been denied the presidency he had won three times in a row.

On March 9th Raila took a giant step for a much better Kenya even though he knew he could lose a huge chunk of his impassioned base which was convinced that only confronting this regime offered the prospect of national salvation. How many politicians in the world would risk such a loss?

It is not enough to condemn this latest Jubilee outrage. This crisis offers the last opportunity for all leaders to reasess the strategy Kenya needs to restore the rule of law and democratic, inclusive governance.

Salim Lone, Adviser,
H.E. Raila Odinga.
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