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26 Apr 2018

Orengo's Speech That Caused Excitement At Matiba Funeral

Siaya Senator James Orengo on Thursday caused a moment of excitement when he was invited to make a speech at the funeral service of his friend and former political ally Kenneth Matiba.

Although Orengo was not on the programme of speakers, he was invited by host Senator Irungu Kang'ata to make brief remarks - having worked with Matiba during the fight for multiparty politics.

The Senior Counsel at first elicited laughter among mourners after he addressed President Uhuru Kenyatta as "His Excellency the President of the Republic of Kenya".
The fiery politician, in his characteristic firmness, went ahead to introduce his party leader Raila Odinga as "His Excellence the People's President" causing an uproar which even President Kenyatta did not shy from joining.
Orengo went ahead to pay tribute to Matiba, noting that the deceased politician was the only Kenyan leader he was sure would go to heaven.

The Siaya Senator concluded by challenging the government to punish those who tortured and harassed the late Matiba.
"The people who tortured him are here. They are stll alive and I know at least one. They must apologise and account for what they did," Orengo stated.

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