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18 Apr 2018

President Uhuru Kenyatta Heckled By Angry Kenyans In London After His Speech At Chatham House Demanding Justice For Miguna (Video)

President Kenyatta

President Uhuru Kenyatta on Tuesday was heckled in London by Kenyans believed to be National Resistance Movement (NRM-K) supporters.

The Head of State was met by an angry crowd after he delivered his speech at Chatham House.

His security personnel was forced to hurriedly get him away from the crowd which was shouting at him.

From the videos circulated on social media platforms, the supporters could be heard demanding justice for the NRM-K self-declared general Miguna Miguna.

The crowd, which had placards and pickets, were shouting at President Kenyatta demanding for him to respect the rule of law.

Handshake doesn't apply in UK! President Uhuru gets a rude welcome in London from demonstrating Kenyans (Video)

Kenyan-London residents at the scene were waving the placards which could be seen inscribed the words: Respect the Rule of Law, Born Kenyan Forever Kenyan.

However, amongst the protestors were Uhuru's supporters who are also heard shouting: "Uhuru is justice!"

They were also carrying posts with messages expressing their support for Mr Kenyatta's Big Four Agenda in his second term as President.

The President was giving a speech at Chatham House where he urged world leaders to embrace healthy political compensation and foster global democracy while explaining his unity deal with Raila Odinga.

Here are the videos:

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