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17 Apr 2018

Raila meets DP Ruto [PHOTOS]

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National Super Alliance (NASA) leader Raila Odinga and Deputy President William Ruto on Tuesday met at the home of Former Cabinet Minister Kenneth Matiba.

Ruto and Raila were at Matiba’s home to console with the family after the politician’s demise on Sunday evening.
Defense Cabinet Secretary Raychelle Omamo, Eugene Wamalwa (Devolution and Planning), Mwangi Kiunjuri (Agriculture) were also present.
playNASA leader Raila Odinga and Deputy President William Ruto meet at Matiba's home (Inooro)
Veteran politician Charles Rubia was also at the home where he encouraged leaders to fight tribalism.
"I don't have many days left but before I die, I must warn you to fight tribalism or Kenya will be no more in the near future," Rubia said.

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