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20 Apr 2018

Thirsty Married Women From Kilimani Mums & Dads Exposed Really Bad By Robin Johnson,A White Guy From Germany [SCREENSHOTS]

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Kenyans have woken up to a rude shock of how desperate and Th1rsty my fellow kenyan Ladies are.

A ‘white guy’ from Germany Posted to a popular Kenyan Group kilimani mums revealing he is a doctor by Profession and wanted to Marry a Kenyan Lady since they are beautiful and wonderful.Check out the post below

What followed next was series of inboxes,Messenger calls  and over 1000 friend requests on his profile.This was leaked by Johnson himself.This shows the height of desperation our Ladies are.

From the inbox some of the ladies already texted they love him yet they have never met,some were ready for marriage.What’s more shocking is that on the list of shame includes Guys that also messaged the dude..Like WTF

“What do we even call this?? i mean this are peoples girlfriends..this are peoples wives falling for a fake “mzungu” on social media..the lengths of how far women can go for the mzungu dream is sickening…. MAMA ……..robin johnson has succesfully made 999+ women to change their facebook names bila kubishana mama is this the sign we are waiting for mama?(tag the husbands n boyfriends iko nini)” Commented one of the group member

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