Once upon a time I used to assume that when a girl refuses to respond to your inbox she is: a snob, full of herself, sees herself as a hot cake, hates you, thinks that you are poor but I came to realize that this is untrue when I once handled my sister’s account for a day! I came to realize that girls are actually victims of frustration. These are the trends I noticed;
1. A girl receives almost 30 friend requests per hour. That’s hectic
2. When a girl uploads a picture and it gets almost 20 likes on the side, the in-boxes about the photo are 40! Ratio 1:2
3. Men always send their nude photos. This is especially men from India, Saudi Arabia and South America
4. In case a girl is using a Facebook app that allows Facebook’s free calls, she is every time pestered by endless calls.
5. When a girl declines a dude’s love proposal the dude becomes rude and may begin character assassination of the girl calling her all sorts of names.
6. Dudes always inbox their numbers ‘Call me 072792……’
7. Temptations all over. ‘Hi girl I’m Victor Matara, a rich dude from Saika. I want us to meet tomorrow since I’m going to DT Dobie. I would like you to help me choose the best car to buy. Am a poor chooser!’ When I saw this I understood what girls go through. Its hell I tell you! I even stopped inboxing ladies. I also understood that it takes a lot of honor for a girl to respond to your inbox. I also realized that a girl who starts a conversation with you has a lot of respect or concern for you. Do you know that she has left some convos hanging while snob bed others just to start one with you? Girls; You are such a special species!